Gone Fishin
© Harold Vondenstein 11-02-03
Gone fishin
Fishin for the man
What he’ll do through me
He’ll take my hand
And put it where it goes
There’s a healin
Healin’s what he knows
Gone fishin
Carrying my rod
Gone fishin
I’ll cast it where he says
You don’t have to worry
What bait that you will use
Cause the fish are there
And they will come to you
Gone fishin
Don’t know what I’m doin
Doesn’t matter
Fish aren’t very smart
Just go where he says
Obey his every word
When you listen
Your limit will be full
Gone fishin
Fishin with the Lord
I will follow his lead
He’ll bring the fish to me
I don’t need a hook
Boat or a rod
A small net will do
He’ll bring a mighty catch